Monday, January 21, 2008

Triple Numbers and their meanings 111, 222, 333, 444, 555........

Are you seeing numbers, triple numbers and they're "flashing" their significance to you? Do you see a succession of these same numbers throughout your day? There is a message being brought to you to be aware of! These messages are being brought up in numbers and symbols for you to awaken to! Your Guides, Angel Guides are helping you in your journey and want you know of their significance........

If you've been going through big changes lately in life, big "shake up" calls and experiencing upheaval and distress in many areas of your not despair. If you are also experiencing good SHIFTS in your are on the right track!!

The whole world is experiencing MUCH MORE than what we are accustomed to right now in the sense of bringing up areas of life that no longer serve us for our highest Self. These are seen as any old beliefs, judgements, grudges, anger, fear, doubt, anything that would hold us back from stepping into our Truth, our authentic Self.

According to the Mayan Calendar and our end times of 2012, this aspect of transformation of Earth is to bring Mother Earth and her inhabitants into Alignment for our Highest Selves. It is NOW that we are transforming, not in 2012. The end time of 2012 are when we are already there - transformed! So NOW is the time you are experiencing... transmuting... metamorphosizing All that needs to be "cleansed" from you. So come on!

When we are barraged once again with OLD beliefs and such , we are to delve into them, acknowledge them, see them as they are, give it LOVE, and send it on it's way - release these and bring to your Self the Truth and Love that you so deserve, part of our Birthright, the Truth of Who We Are. When we are awakened to Life, we will begin to see symbols, numbers, messages that speak to us. Some of these are Triple numbers. There are messages associated with them, and these are your guideposts, MARKings that light your path, your journey....back to You, your Higher Self.

111 - An energetic gateway has opened for you, rapidly manifesting your thoughts into reality. Choose your thoughts wisely at this time, ensuring they match your desires. Don't put any energy into any fears at all, lest you manifest them.

222 - Have faith. Everything's going to be all right. Don't worry about anything, as this situation is resolving itself beautifully for everyone involved.

333 - You've merged with the ascended masters, and they're working with you day & night - on many levels. They love, guide, and protect you at all times.

444 - Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are an Earth Angel yourself. You have nothing to fear - all is well.

555 - Major changes and significant transformations are here for you. You have an opportunity to break out of the chrysalis and uncover the amazing life you truly deserve.

666- It's time to focus on Spirit to balance and heal your life. Tell Heaven about any fears you have concerning material supply. Be open to receiving help and love from both humans and the angels.

777 - Congratulations! You have listened well to your Divine Guidance and have put that wisdom into fruitful action. You're now reaping the rewards. Your success is inspiring and helping others, so please keep up the good work.

888- The Universe is abundant and generous, and you've learned how to step into the shower of its ever-present flow. Great financial prosperity is yours, now and in the future.

999 - Get to work, Lightworker! The world needs your Divine Life purpose right now. Fully embark upon your sacred misssion without delay or hesitation.

There are many other number combinations you may get as you allow your daily journey to guide you to your Highest potential. When in the NOW, you will see much more and the numbers are messages to your inner Self, your Divine, your Soul. If they show up a lot, check out what the messages have to say. On my personal journey of transformation in the last 2 years, I have seen much numbers and symbols and have recently received my very own copy of the ANGEL NUMBERS (Doreen Virtue, PhD.) from my friend Sophia, that I use on a regular basis. Very interesting that the messages are in total alignment with what I needed to confirm with my Highest Self. Record these, all your synchronicities, all the coincidences (because they're not JUST), all the varying ways that the Universe is trying to get "Things" to you to help you along your journey.

Contact me with your numbers you are seeing and I can "translate" from the Doreen Virtue book for you. I am here to help you on your journey. FREE.... as this also helps me in my writings... email me...

Keep your thoughts in JOY, your words in TRUTH, and your action in LOVE, and the Universe only happily obliges to meet ALL your needs. It's just the natural Law of Attraction!

Play well, laugh much, AWAKEN to your Life!

your LightMARKer,


Anonymous said...

stay tuned lightworker

love and light


Unknown said...

I see many 222's in the last few months. 111 is also a common one and a few 555. Mostly 222's can reach me at

Anonymous said...

today while driving my son to school, i was thinking about the numbers in my life and how i wanted to see more.
i had just mentally asked to see more when 10 seconds later a car pulls in front of me with a 4444 no. plate!
needless to say i laughed and said thank you!
not five minutes down the road i had a 888 no. plate in front of me and a 333 no. plate a few seconds after that!
by this stage im like ok sorry i ever doubted you and thank you again!!!!lol.

Cosmic ૐ Oneness said...

Increasing synchronicity, triple numbers, subtle messages through numbers, names, symbols and events in our lives from the invisible universe ... It's all happening NOW ! I have been seeing 777 a lot lately ... I would like to know about the numbers 2, 1 & 7 in the same order and otherwise as well ... Does Doreen Virtue say anything about this combination Elaine ...

Peace & Love


Anonymous said...

Wow is it just me,I'am seeing the numbers more rapidly.When I'm asking for guidance, instant messaging from above.Are we closer to home now?

Anonymous said...

What does it mean when in one day you see all triple numbers....from 000 through 999?

Anonymous said...

Hello there my name is Torie I have been seeinf triple number alot.I have been going through alot lately is this why I have been seeing these numbers? This has been very intreging to me and would love to learn alot more about this gift ..

Anonymous said...

nice one dude...
as scorpio hosted the moon today at 2.22 so did my son and i giggle at triple 2's and 3's all over the super market.
Im here
Stay connected, lots of good love and vibes to you

Anonymous said...

Oh my check this out for interesting... the 222's are super interesting as are the 6's

Anonymous said...

I see These numbers everywhere, mostly on a track as the numbers timing the song are moving along. or on passing license plates, passing phone numbers, and everytime i randomly check the time on my phone, there it is, triples. You must know my story, this post explained everything i've been experiencing, just before i read it i saw the numbers 444 on my cd player and cried when i read the meaning, i could feel them, and here they are calling this pathetic human an earth angel. Email me at

Anonymous said...

These triple numbers have been appearing almost daily to my husband and I for nearly a year. All clocks daily triple of 111,right up to 555,,never know which one will appear,but daily ones will appear at one time or another.Our life at this moment is disasterous,i was taking it as bad signs,,are you sure it positive meanign behind them??? scared and mystified as well.....

Anonymous said...

I have been going through a really rough time right know and I have prayed for some sign that its going to be ok. I used to see triple numbers all the time, but up until this day i hadnt see much of them. But today I saw 111 and 222 and 333 all in a 15mins. on car license plates. Thank God for the messages from the angels and my spirit guide. I hope this rough spot is over..

Anonymous said...

Wow.. lately I have been seeing triple diget numbers when I look at the clock and it is very weird. I am glad to see that the ascended masters are with me, 333.

Connections to Youth said...

Wow.. lately I have been seeing triple diget numbers when I look at the clock and it is very weird. I am glad to see that the ascended masters are with me, 333.

Anonymous said...

I have seen triple numbers for about 5 years now and the show up alot during my times of struggle and confusion. This Jan. 2010 it started with seeing 111 and then alot of 444 then 222 and 333 and know 999. About 3 weeks ago a car was in front of me with 111 the next car that came in front of me was 222 and the 3rd car that was in front of me saud 333 what a miracle.

r,d said...

i have been seeing double numbers for a few years until today when a sequence of numbers at work all ended in 666. if it was once i would not have thought much off it, but when this happened four times throughout the day i did begin to wonder, thank you for the info on the meaning of these numbers and i hope i am able to develop on a more spiritual rather that material level.

Anonymous said...

i have been seeing double numbers for a while-11, 33, 22, until today. at work on data/references that i was working on a sequence of numbers al ended in 666. had this happened once or twice fine but this continued though out the day. thank you for the info on what the numbers mean, much light and love

Lilyana said...

Hi Elaine, a series of synchronicities led me to your blog today, starting with light orbs. Firstly, thank you for the blog, lots of gems. So heart-warming to come across a like-minded soul.
The numbers game: I'm curious if there is anything about pairs of double numbers, like 11:11, 12:21, 12:12, 12:51; 21:21, 21:15 (2 & 5 being mirrors of each other). Of course, 12/21/2012 is also all 1s & 2s, whatever they mean(?)
Although 111 has featured for me a lot in the last 3 or so years, lately, it's about pairs including 13:13, 15:15, 17:17, 19:19 (hrmm, just noticed they're all odd numbers). However, 1 & 2 combinations seem to prevail. I'd appreciate any insight you'd care to share. If you post to my blog the message can be kept private as my comments are moderated.
Interesting that it looks like I'll be coming over to Calgary in Aug/Sep for a project as well :) Universe sure moves in mysterious ways.
In truth & light,
Lilyana (aka, Avatara)

Anonymous said...

Today I looked a the clock and the time was 14:44. Last night I looked and it said 22:22. I've also been seeing 222 frequently over the past few weeks. I'm unemployed at the moment and having difficulty finding a job but the angels keep telling me everything is going to be alright. I guess I have to believe it and keep the faith.

Anonymous said...

I've been seeing triple numbers for a few months now and I have become very grateful for this presence. I have been trying to find my spiritual path for quite some time and now knowing that the angels are with me constantly and everywhere, it has blessed me in so many ways! I am going to try and start my triple number journal again so I can maintain and further my spiritual progress. Thank-you Angels!

Alicia said...

Hi. I've been seeing 333 for over a year now. Everywhere. The time, gas prices, receipts, etc. I was born at 3:33 PM. I just want to know if its significant at all. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Greetings. I often see variations of number 9
Mostly number 144 or 441. I've been seeing this for over 2 years. I'd like to know if this has much significance with angelic master numbers and the meaning.
I also see 222, 333 and 444 often.
Many thanks

Unknown said...

Greetings. I often see variations of number 9
Mostly number 144 or 441. I've been seeing this for over 2 years. I'd like to know if this has much significance with angelic master numbers and the meaning.
I also see 222, 333 and 444 often.
Many thanks

Songbird said...

Thank you for offering this knowledge. It truly resinates with me as I see triples constantly...on a daily basis. I am quite aware of my connection with my soul and the beautiful workings of the Universe on my behalf. My angels are talking to me through numbers and I am always paying attention. Light and Love..

Anonymous said...

Wow, I have been seeing 214 all the time since freshman year of college, sometimes the numbers vary in order, but always those three. Clocks (all of the time), random reciepts, sporting event tickets, I even got a new cell number, and the last 4 digits are 1241, flight numbers. I'm not sure what it means exactly, but I am glad it comes from a positive place

Anonymous said...

Wow, I have been seeing 214 all the time since freshman year of college, sometimes the numbers vary in order, but always those three. Clocks (all of the time), random reciepts, sporting event tickets, I even got a new cell number, and the last 4 digits are 1241, flight numbers. I'm not sure what it means exactly, but I am glad it comes from a positive place

Anonymous said...

Hello my name is Wendy and well my story will amaze you. A few minutes ago my dog barked and I finally took him out, it's late, 3:33am to be exact. I have been seeing numbers for over 2 yrs now, but since Jan. 2011 I've been seeing them a lot. All day, everyday. They appear to me
111, 1111, 333,444,4444,1010,1212,322,420,11,911,555. I have read some info on the numbers, but I am not satisified. I just asked my guides or whatever is making them appear to help me, to send me to someone with an answer to my questions. i see these numbers at the gym, liscense plates, billboards, barcodes, receipts, sometimes I even find 11 cents laying around the house a dime and a penny together. I dont know how to communicate with these angel/guide/beings. I know I am being contacted, but I dont know what to do. I see a number, I look it up, I try to figure out what I was thinking about, also I have been having wierd Alien dreams (not nice ones) I have asked Archangel Michael for protection. I have researched NWO, Illumaniti, Atlantis, depopulation, skull and bones, secret societies, black magic, white magic, alchemy,Emerald tablet, sumerian tablets, chemtrails, fema camps, antartica (opening to poles) underground bases and alien caves, hollow earth and life living inside the earth, ok I have researched a lot, so I am a really awakened human being. But there is a ton of stuff I do not know as well. I would love it if you can shed some light on why I am seeing these numbers, and also what I can do when I see them. I feel like I am not on track and I want to fullfill my destiny so to speak.
thanks and love and light your way namaste

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for all your information. I have been seeing triple numbers as well as 1111 for a few years now, but especially the last 6 months or so. Sometimes several times a day. I always ask 'what are you trying to tell me'? but never seem to get an answer. Your explanations for each number sequence is very interesting and helpful, though I'd like to ask you respectfully, where do you get your information? As in, how do you know those numbers mean what they do? I would love to know. Thank you so very much. Sincerely, Leigh

elainechinagirl said...

Leigh; the explanations are all part of Doreen Virtue's book, Angel Numbers, or as mentioned above in the post. Keep a journal as there is a sequence to all the numbers that come and confirm events and such for you. enJOY~ Elaine

Anonymous said...

I've been seeing triple numbers these past few weeks.. thrice or twice a day.. 555,222..666 444.. after seeing 222 awhile ago i decided to search for an answer,that eventually led me to this site.. thanks! the meanings arent so scary after all.. : )

Anonymous said...

Nearly every day and sometimes several times a day, I see the numbers 1119, which is also my birthday. I can't seem to make much sense of it and was wondering if you have any ideas?


shaun said...

I have been seeing 11:34 on clocks for years. I was wondering what this means. Thanks.

Karen said...

The last 4 months , I have been seeing triple numbers constantly. I know it means something and it's trying to tell me something.

Anonymous said...

I have been seeing all kinds of number sequences for the past couple years or so. The numbers that I see regularly are 111,1111,222,21,333,444,555,666,777,888,999,13,1313,3113,113,311,131,140,153,432,23,1212,17,1717,1776,121,221,965,29,1007,94,63 and probably more but I can't remember. There have been a tremendous amount of synchronicity aswell with all of these numbers in my life. I have learned one thing for sure with all of this and all I can say is 'unconditional forgivness saves the world and the atonement for our sins is with blood'.

I was born on September 11 1965


Anonymous said...

what is 33 mean. birds and butterflies are always surrounding me. Wtf

yvonne fairgrieve said...

Hi, I'm so glad I found this site. A lot has been going on like big things all starting in january 2011. I see the number 11 everywhere. 85 percent of the time or more that I look to check the time or happen across a clock it is 11 past the hour. Some days it happens several times. I often see 11:11 am and pm. My daughter and her father were born on the 11th day of the month. I also see 666 and recently 11 and 22 together. I am trying to make decisions based on feelings and intuition rather than fact. I feel very out of control and my emotions are through the roof. I have effected so many lives since january, head on car crash, driver passed into my lane head on and he died instantly. I walked away sore. Angels are the only explanation for that miracle. Please give some advice on the meaning of the numbers. I would love to know why this year the numbers started right when the accident happened and just this year more giant changes have happened than have in the last 8 years.

Anonymous said...

How is it coincidence? Three different stores. Each one giving me a receipt with the total having triple digits in it? Usually when i begin to see trips something significant is about to happen in my life, sometimes even death. Is there a way to know what is about to happen? I have not found out because some numbers have both revolved around good and bad things. I now belive its the angels helping me to be aware of something.

Anonymous said...

This was really great to read what everyone is saying. I have a question though does anyone see the number sequence 147? I have been seeing this since 2005 now. The past 3 months though its been triple number. It started with 11:11, then 111 now its all of the numbers and i saw 000 for the first time today. It is also coinciding with 147 throughout the day too. I feel as though someone is really attempting to get my attention. I am also having probelms with electrical stuff working (to be honest it kind of annoying too). But i do believe its probably more annoying for those sending the messages if i just ignore them. I just keep thinking 'well i'll just have to wait and see what is going to happen' Its nice that i am not alone x

Ericka said...

I have been seeing the number 111 for many years now. well over 10! I heard that you could make wishes on that number when ever you saw it, weather it be the time or random numbers anywhere. I have been wishing for the same thing for the past 10 years. granted I have never visualized what I wanted, I only verbally asked, or through thinking it. It is weird how after all of these years I finally am looking up what the meaning of this is! and I am truly amazed at what I am reading! Now I just need to ask how to materialize what I need/want! ;)

sparkle said...

I have seen numbers in threes for quite some time now and it's crazy because I see them at least 3 times a day now and I know it's got to mean something. I feel GOD is calling me for a purpose but I don't know what it is yet,I have had a hard life with many mistakes and yet somehow I'm still here to go through it still, just taking it one day at a time. I'm here Lord show me the way.

BiL. said...

I keep waking up at 333 444 555... It's been happening for months now. I see it all day... Yesterday I was using a calculator, put it down, must have bumped into it with my elbow or something and noticed it now read 444... This won't stop, and I don't know what's causing this... I am not a spiritual or religious person.. I just want it to stop,,, I've tried covering up all the clocks in the house but it still manages to find me.

Anonymous said...

Hello my name is Michael,
For the last couple years now I have been seeing numbers like 111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888,121,221,122,153,154,155,808,909,432,1776,1717,140,144,288 and 911. I have read about what they mean but I really don't understand why?
I have gone through hell in the last four years of my life like you wouldn't believe. I still harbor alot of anger and hate at times but that is finaly subsiding thank goodness for that.I do have a belief now that we are all very much manipulated by forces,entities and principalities that wish us harm.I feel that I am getting more and more powerful and I do wish to combat these forces and send them into oblivion for what they have done. I am not afraid of them any more and I think they know it. They owe me big time and I seek my 'spiritual pound of flesh' with them sort of speak and I think they know that I am after them. I believe that these forces harvest negative energy from us like spiritual parasites or as psychic vampirism. For what purpose I am not too sure.
I was born on September 11 1965 if that means anything.

Anonymous said...

I have been seeing many 555 numbers, I would see them over the years when I would wake up without fail (I don't do alarms) at 5:55am many many times then they stopped and I woke up randomly or very close to 5:55am, now I start seeing them everywhere in the space of a month I have had my number changed (because I needed a memorable one for work) and both randomly automated suggestions given to me were xxxxx555044 and then I said no I want another and was given as the next number xxxxx555055 and then a few days later I was given my monthly report of my online generated income (per month from online advertising) and it was exactly $5.55

Why am I seeing these numbers everywhere? What does it mean?

Anonymous said...

Prior to my marriage separation I was seeing the triple number 111 constantly. I had no idea what this meant at the time, however now it has become evident that the universe was assisting me to make this a positive change, removing all fears of the 'unknown'.
Now I have moved on and into my own house and have been waking up to numbers 333 on my clock, I have found this reassuring that the ascended masters are providing guidance and protection to me.
Today I saw 888, and wondering what this may mean for me...

Anonymous said...

Hello there,

I stumbled upon your webpage a while back trying to find answers to the reasons behind why I am seeing triple numbers everywhere.It is still happening. More now than when it first started. This has been going on for that last 3 to 4 months. My life has been great for me so far and my maker has always presented me with the resources needed, when needed. At the moment, I have made big life changes moving to a different city. In turn,losing my job, house and I am just about broke. I am no fool and I am not an uneducated dummy by any means.I have noticed triple numbers mostly on clocks. It has been so much that I had to start researching for answers. It's to the point where something will make me pick up my phone or look at something randomly and the numbers will be triple. This happens multiple times a day and I am not looking for this, it just happens. I see triple 1's, 2's, 5's and at times 3's and 4's. Is someone or something trying to tell me something? I believe things in life happen for a reason. I am not needy, I am not looking for a excuse to make me feel better or something to give me motivation. I am just looking for some kind of reasonable answer from a educated person, if possible. Inside, I do feel uncertain about my life with no answers. I feel I am at a crossroad in my life, not sure where I am headed or where I am going or as a matter of fact what to do. What is going on??? Should i just go with it and go with the flow?

Blu said...

i see triple numbers everyday, im not the kind of person who adds numbers together and tries to find the meanings. Im sure thats exciting but i have a very busy life.. Yet everytime i look at my phone or clock it reads triple numbers everytime, and I must say once, my clock was upside down during a heavy triple number week and the digital clock read out read "hell" i was concerned but i had no ill feelings towards it for some reason i couldn't think of being angry at all at something i dont understand. PS i have a hard time believing that someone else definitions of 111, 222, 333, 444 555 etc would be correct for anyone else..

Anonymous said...

I see mostly double numbers, like 11, 22, all of them, but only on the clock, because other than math class, those are the only number I care to look at, lol. But I also see triple numbers, like 555, 444, 333, 222, a couple of 111's. But what's odd, is that i see the combinations 7/10 of the time I look. I've actually gotten tired of telling my freinds, because they don't understand. But could you help me understand them? my email is

Denver said...

Hello Elaine,

I have been seeing lots of triple numbers everywhere since I have been put wise to this phenomenon. I see almost every one except 666. 222 and 555 are quite frequent, as are 444 and 777. Recently, I scoped 5555 and 8888, but the most hopeful is the 999. I feel a strong pull toward working for the light. but have no idea how or what I'm supposed to do. Maybe you'll get a flash of intuition. Also, are the numbers surrounding a triple number set significant? Usually when I see them they are in long sequences of other numbers, such as at the end of a phone # or part of an address. Are these to be ignored or are they important?

Anonymous said...

I have seen triple numbers for along while now, but in the last couple of weeks i have seen triple 333 222 444 555 I mean all of them everythime i turn around. Is this a real important message since i see them all day long?

robby24 said...

I keep seeing the numbers 111, and 333. But everyday i always see the numbers 222. I looked up the chapter, verse, and line in the Bible. It talks about a firstborn son. I have no chiildren. I dont think i am never going. To get pregnant because of my health. May that mean that one day i will birth a son. Is there hope for me to birth children. please email me at or

Sara said...

Wow. Everything I have just read is right on target. Get this, I live in apartment 333, Building 3, third floor. I have been going through some life troubles...Havent talked to my father in 3 years. I am at a crossraods in my life, and just like you said...all of a sudden I've felt like I was losing my mind...everything came to a hault and i was thinking, WAIT! WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE??? I am assistant manager at a retail store and I have been offered 3 stores to manage..They are all very far from home...the zip code for one of the stores was 78'666' I took this as a sign not to go for it...and all of a sudden woke up and realized this is not what I want to do with my life! I am just going to quit my job completely and go for what my passion is...hairstyling...I love to be creative...I have no idea what I am doing but it is exciting because I am sick of the same routine. My wonderful boyfriend actually woke me up and said this is what you want, I want you to be happy, just do it! He is willing to support me while I go to school. My job has been majorly affecting my relationship with him as well...I have just been miserable...I constantly see 111, 222, 333, 444, sometimes 555. I am becoming aware of the numbers so much more now. My boyfriend sees them as well. If anyone has insight on any of this please contact me! please make the subject 333 so i will know not to delete the message. =)

Anonymous said...

I keep seeing random numbers but they all add up to the number 10 or I see the number 10 everywhere please help! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

In the past four months I started making wishes for a baby every time I saw 3 or 4 of the same number on the clock.My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for three years now. The first sequence of numbers were 111 and 1111 that lasted for a month, then it was 333 that lasted for two months and now it is 222. It is always on the clock but then today I got on the scale and it said 122.2 I immediately thought of having a baby. My husbands grandmother whom he was very close to passed away last month. My birthday is 12/3 my husbands 3/11 and my sons 11/11. Do these have any relevance?

Anonymous said...

Hi 4/20/2010 the lord blessed me with being a witness to a supernatural Angel that looked like the son of man ascending in the sky it took over my cell phone and snaped 7 clear pictures of itself. Since that time triple numbers are every where. I dont know what to do about it . I just know Angels are around me. They are displayed at Alpha Omega Hair in Fontana Ca. Awesome reality. God bless