EMF's - Electro Magnetic Frequency EMR's - Electro Magentic Radiation
Both types are derived from Frequency bands coming from Cellular phones, cordless phones, microwaves, electricity, appliances.......all types of equipment that requires electricity. Not avoidable, but we can help our own Self in being CONSCIOUS of our environment. We may not actually SEE these frequencies but they do EXIST!!
You can read more from: http://www.dirtyelectricity.ca/index.htm
How interesting that we are noticing now the profound effects of all the EMF's being radiated throughout our atmosphere! I, myself, have noticed that I am becoming sensitive to the EMF's and can only handle working on the computer for short periods of time before fatigue sets in...and I need a nap....while some would probably go and get some coffee or a soda to coutneract. It's been quite the challenge to share this information with others, but we need to start on our own fronts and continue to verbalize and "share" versus "dictate" the health concerns.
The Safe Wireless Initiative has a Medical Alert out on EMR's http://www.safewireless.org/Home/tabid/54/Default.aspx with Worldwide articles found in our own Home country.
I found articles in Canada that pertain to my Government and Media responses to EMF's and EMR's safety standards and research, you can find yours here too.
And the website: Dirty Electricityhttp://www.dirtyelectricity.ca/index.htm
for articles and safety precautions and also online shopping for the Stetzer Filters that have helped many to filter and counteract the effects of all this DIRTY ELECTRICITY.
More to come!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Triple Numbers and their meanings 111, 222, 333, 444, 555........
Are you seeing numbers, triple numbers and they're "flashing" their significance to you? Do you see a succession of these same numbers throughout your day? There is a message being brought to you to be aware of! These messages are being brought up in numbers and symbols for you to awaken to! Your Guides, Angel Guides are helping you in your journey and want you know of their significance........
If you've been going through big changes lately in life, big "shake up" calls and experiencing upheaval and distress in many areas of your life.......do not despair. If you are also experiencing good SHIFTS in your world.......you are on the right track!!
The whole world is experiencing MUCH MORE than what we are accustomed to right now in the sense of bringing up areas of life that no longer serve us for our highest Self. These are seen as any old beliefs, judgements, grudges, anger, fear, doubt, anything that would hold us back from stepping into our Truth, our authentic Self.
According to the Mayan Calendar and our end times of 2012, this aspect of transformation of Earth is to bring Mother Earth and her inhabitants into Alignment for our Highest Selves. It is NOW that we are transforming, not in 2012. The end time of 2012 are when we are already there - transformed! So NOW is the time you are experiencing... transmuting... metamorphosizing All that needs to be "cleansed" from you. So come on!
When we are barraged once again with OLD beliefs and such , we are to delve into them, acknowledge them, see them as they are, give it LOVE, and send it on it's way - release these and bring to your Self the Truth and Love that you so deserve, part of our Birthright, the Truth of Who We Are. When we are awakened to Life, we will begin to see symbols, numbers, messages that speak to us. Some of these are Triple numbers. There are messages associated with them, and these are your guideposts, MARKings that light your path, your journey....back to You, your Higher Self.
111 - An energetic gateway has opened for you, rapidly manifesting your thoughts into reality. Choose your thoughts wisely at this time, ensuring they match your desires. Don't put any energy into any fears at all, lest you manifest them.
222 - Have faith. Everything's going to be all right. Don't worry about anything, as this situation is resolving itself beautifully for everyone involved.
333 - You've merged with the ascended masters, and they're working with you day & night - on many levels. They love, guide, and protect you at all times.
444 - Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are an Earth Angel yourself. You have nothing to fear - all is well.
555 - Major changes and significant transformations are here for you. You have an opportunity to break out of the chrysalis and uncover the amazing life you truly deserve.
666- It's time to focus on Spirit to balance and heal your life. Tell Heaven about any fears you have concerning material supply. Be open to receiving help and love from both humans and the angels.
777 - Congratulations! You have listened well to your Divine Guidance and have put that wisdom into fruitful action. You're now reaping the rewards. Your success is inspiring and helping others, so please keep up the good work.
888- The Universe is abundant and generous, and you've learned how to step into the shower of its ever-present flow. Great financial prosperity is yours, now and in the future.
999 - Get to work, Lightworker! The world needs your Divine Life purpose right now. Fully embark upon your sacred misssion without delay or hesitation.
There are many other number combinations you may get as you allow your daily journey to guide you to your Highest potential. When in the NOW, you will see much more and the numbers are messages to your inner Self, your Divine, your Soul. If they show up a lot, check out what the messages have to say. On my personal journey of transformation in the last 2 years, I have seen much numbers and symbols and have recently received my very own copy of the ANGEL NUMBERS (Doreen Virtue, PhD.) from my friend Sophia, that I use on a regular basis. Very interesting that the messages are in total alignment with what I needed to confirm with my Highest Self. Record these, all your synchronicities, all the coincidences (because they're not JUST), all the varying ways that the Universe is trying to get "Things" to you to help you along your journey.
Contact me with your numbers you are seeing and I can "translate" from the Doreen Virtue book for you. I am here to help you on your journey. FREE.... as this also helps me in my writings... email me...
Keep your thoughts in JOY, your words in TRUTH, and your action in LOVE, and the Universe only happily obliges to meet ALL your needs. It's just the natural Law of Attraction!
Play well, laugh much, AWAKEN to your Life!
your LightMARKer,
If you've been going through big changes lately in life, big "shake up" calls and experiencing upheaval and distress in many areas of your life.......do not despair. If you are also experiencing good SHIFTS in your world.......you are on the right track!!
The whole world is experiencing MUCH MORE than what we are accustomed to right now in the sense of bringing up areas of life that no longer serve us for our highest Self. These are seen as any old beliefs, judgements, grudges, anger, fear, doubt, anything that would hold us back from stepping into our Truth, our authentic Self.
According to the Mayan Calendar and our end times of 2012, this aspect of transformation of Earth is to bring Mother Earth and her inhabitants into Alignment for our Highest Selves. It is NOW that we are transforming, not in 2012. The end time of 2012 are when we are already there - transformed! So NOW is the time you are experiencing... transmuting... metamorphosizing All that needs to be "cleansed" from you. So come on!
When we are barraged once again with OLD beliefs and such , we are to delve into them, acknowledge them, see them as they are, give it LOVE, and send it on it's way - release these and bring to your Self the Truth and Love that you so deserve, part of our Birthright, the Truth of Who We Are. When we are awakened to Life, we will begin to see symbols, numbers, messages that speak to us. Some of these are Triple numbers. There are messages associated with them, and these are your guideposts, MARKings that light your path, your journey....back to You, your Higher Self.
111 - An energetic gateway has opened for you, rapidly manifesting your thoughts into reality. Choose your thoughts wisely at this time, ensuring they match your desires. Don't put any energy into any fears at all, lest you manifest them.
222 - Have faith. Everything's going to be all right. Don't worry about anything, as this situation is resolving itself beautifully for everyone involved.
333 - You've merged with the ascended masters, and they're working with you day & night - on many levels. They love, guide, and protect you at all times.
444 - Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are an Earth Angel yourself. You have nothing to fear - all is well.
555 - Major changes and significant transformations are here for you. You have an opportunity to break out of the chrysalis and uncover the amazing life you truly deserve.
666- It's time to focus on Spirit to balance and heal your life. Tell Heaven about any fears you have concerning material supply. Be open to receiving help and love from both humans and the angels.
777 - Congratulations! You have listened well to your Divine Guidance and have put that wisdom into fruitful action. You're now reaping the rewards. Your success is inspiring and helping others, so please keep up the good work.
888- The Universe is abundant and generous, and you've learned how to step into the shower of its ever-present flow. Great financial prosperity is yours, now and in the future.
999 - Get to work, Lightworker! The world needs your Divine Life purpose right now. Fully embark upon your sacred misssion without delay or hesitation.
There are many other number combinations you may get as you allow your daily journey to guide you to your Highest potential. When in the NOW, you will see much more and the numbers are messages to your inner Self, your Divine, your Soul. If they show up a lot, check out what the messages have to say. On my personal journey of transformation in the last 2 years, I have seen much numbers and symbols and have recently received my very own copy of the ANGEL NUMBERS (Doreen Virtue, PhD.) from my friend Sophia, that I use on a regular basis. Very interesting that the messages are in total alignment with what I needed to confirm with my Highest Self. Record these, all your synchronicities, all the coincidences (because they're not JUST), all the varying ways that the Universe is trying to get "Things" to you to help you along your journey.
Contact me with your numbers you are seeing and I can "translate" from the Doreen Virtue book for you. I am here to help you on your journey. FREE.... as this also helps me in my writings... email me...
Keep your thoughts in JOY, your words in TRUTH, and your action in LOVE, and the Universe only happily obliges to meet ALL your needs. It's just the natural Law of Attraction!
Play well, laugh much, AWAKEN to your Life!
your LightMARKer,
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Light Warriors, Rainbow Warriors
Rainbow Warriors video clip:
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Crop Circles and Close Encounters
Just ran across this video and link to someone who encountered some Orbs and it totally co-relates to the research I'm doing.
Especially to the fact of these Orbs being consciousness, or even extraterrestrials coming in and scoping us out. Jud writes and tells of his thoughts and experience.
Jud's MySpace blog wth the video:
Especially to the fact of these Orbs being consciousness, or even extraterrestrials coming in and scoping us out. Jud writes and tells of his thoughts and experience.
Jud's MySpace blog wth the video:
Intriguing.Real.Secrets No More
Guided by much, information comes at me from different sources and Truth seems to want to surface and I'm glad I wrote the article I did yesterday regarding ET's and the Crop Circles. Knowledge seems to be at the forefront in this arena right now. For what more information there is, and there is lots, it seems neverending. But then again, to unearth years of secrecy....there is lots of information for the taking!!
I hope your journey involves unearthing secrets of the Self that may bind us and hold us back from becoming Who We Truly Are. Secrets that hinder our expression of Truth, that hold our hearts from being "hurt again" synopsis so popular in our human relationships. The time is NOW to bring forth, step forth into You.
It is not about us changing, but evolving into everything We are Meant to Be. -eM
How intriguing to say the least my interest in the Niburians and Planet X over the last 3 years has been an interesting side thing of mine, and realized my father nonetheless had the same interest!! He would tune into Art Bell every Sunday on the Coast to Coast AM, now with George Noory. That always came on on Sunday midnight and I know it irritated Mom terribly since he would fall asleep to that. Mom would have to contend with listening not only to his snoring but also the "weird" stuff that George chats about with his guests. Eventually I got him earplugs so Mom can sleep. As for the snoring we have yet to fix that. :D But hey, 40 years of marriage....I'm sure that they are just fine! :)
I found the co-relation of the Evolving of Self with the onset knowledge of Universal Truths, Universal Laws and how we can also learn from something much bigger than our Human Race. We can't be ignorant to what we are being fed on TV and the media. (Thank God I don't have TV once again!) So I welcome all types of information from the open source Web. Hope you enjoy!
Anyways, this article was more about the Secrets held within everything we know to have been true to us for so long. All that is breaking up now and Truth is what we are all seeking! Self, Government, our evolving asks us to be open and seek Truth in all manner.
Walk with courage in your journey and the Truth presides in Knowing moreso Who We Are.
The Disclosure Project. (Extraterrestial Presence)
Official Disclosure related websites:
YouTUBE clips:
ET's - Humanoids
Multiple nations around the world are beginning to make their UFO records public & G7 nations are arranging contact!
CNN reporting on the Disclosure Project:
CBS Interview w/ Disclosure Project witness Dan Willis:
clip on the 57 Extraterrestrial races that were cataloged by 1989:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV9Wt_BCI-U
!^The Legend of Atlantis^! (an essential documentary)
~Fastwalkers~ (official Disclosure documentary)
There's so much more, but why not indulge in these for now!
I hope your journey involves unearthing secrets of the Self that may bind us and hold us back from becoming Who We Truly Are. Secrets that hinder our expression of Truth, that hold our hearts from being "hurt again" synopsis so popular in our human relationships. The time is NOW to bring forth, step forth into You.
It is not about us changing, but evolving into everything We are Meant to Be. -eM
How intriguing to say the least my interest in the Niburians and Planet X over the last 3 years has been an interesting side thing of mine, and realized my father nonetheless had the same interest!! He would tune into Art Bell every Sunday on the Coast to Coast AM, now with George Noory. That always came on on Sunday midnight and I know it irritated Mom terribly since he would fall asleep to that. Mom would have to contend with listening not only to his snoring but also the "weird" stuff that George chats about with his guests. Eventually I got him earplugs so Mom can sleep. As for the snoring we have yet to fix that. :D But hey, 40 years of marriage....I'm sure that they are just fine! :)
I found the co-relation of the Evolving of Self with the onset knowledge of Universal Truths, Universal Laws and how we can also learn from something much bigger than our Human Race. We can't be ignorant to what we are being fed on TV and the media. (Thank God I don't have TV once again!) So I welcome all types of information from the open source Web. Hope you enjoy!
Anyways, this article was more about the Secrets held within everything we know to have been true to us for so long. All that is breaking up now and Truth is what we are all seeking! Self, Government, our evolving asks us to be open and seek Truth in all manner.
Walk with courage in your journey and the Truth presides in Knowing moreso Who We Are.
The Disclosure Project. (Extraterrestial Presence)
Official Disclosure related websites:
YouTUBE clips:
ET's - Humanoids
Multiple nations around the world are beginning to make their UFO records public & G7 nations are arranging contact!
CNN reporting on the Disclosure Project:
CBS Interview w/ Disclosure Project witness Dan Willis:
clip on the 57 Extraterrestrial races that were cataloged by 1989:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV9Wt_BCI-U
!^The Legend of Atlantis^! (an essential documentary)
~Fastwalkers~ (official Disclosure documentary)
There's so much more, but why not indulge in these for now!
UFO's and the Pleiadeans

In my course of checking out documentaries on my favorite online site for movies, documentaries and such I ran across one video on a favorite subject of mine - UFO's.
Boy, did 1 hour and 42 minutes just fly by? This video has Billy Meier from Switzerland as the subject. He was approached by the Pleaidians way back in the 70's and was given the grand tour by them travelling across the Galaxies and allowing him to photograph his travels. Wow, forget Gulliver's Travels because this would be the modern day version of the adventures I'm into! Actual photgraphs and film footage of him and the "friendly visitors" from a neighboring planet in our Galaxy. Why, they are only 400 million light years away.....same Galaxy, isn't that like the same country? ;P
All the visitation stopped in 1978 because of something so stupidly human that we do all the time - FIGHT FOR POWER between individuals - hindered the progression of more learnings for this privileged individual that not even the Secret Government had any proof or information about. How lucky! Can I be next, please? I gotta watch what I wish for, because the Universe has been very happily obliging! yeeeeee! I had that thought when I was in that Crop Circle in August I tell you.
You can find out more by watching it yourself! Very enlightening! Believable? You discern. We follow our own heart in matters that resonate within. Whether it is real or not, it is quite a tale that makes us think that we are not the only intelligent beings in the Universe.....
...and that we better get with the Program if we know that Great Phenomenons like this get stopped because of our stupidity? FIGHTING FOR POWER between individuals ? Oh wait! That sounds like the basis of our WARS in the World right now.......It's between us! We are just needing to get it together PEOPLE!
Peace starts within US...and the World then changes.
Believe it. Live it! NOW!
Those other Intelligent Beings out there are wondering what we are doing?
Why don't you put yourself in their position looking down on us and make your observations...........
A wonderful abundant planet with crazy people fighting for dominance and power! Hmm, they don't see their abundance, we could totally just use that for our own good then. We wouldn't be wasting any real spiritual souls down there....
A wonderful abundant planet with evolving Spiritual beings caring for their One beautiful planet......treating each other as family.....because we really are ONE.
Boy, did 1 hour and 42 minutes just fly by? This video has Billy Meier from Switzerland as the subject. He was approached by the Pleaidians way back in the 70's and was given the grand tour by them travelling across the Galaxies and allowing him to photograph his travels. Wow, forget Gulliver's Travels because this would be the modern day version of the adventures I'm into! Actual photgraphs and film footage of him and the "friendly visitors" from a neighboring planet in our Galaxy. Why, they are only 400 million light years away.....same Galaxy, isn't that like the same country? ;P
All the visitation stopped in 1978 because of something so stupidly human that we do all the time - FIGHT FOR POWER between individuals - hindered the progression of more learnings for this privileged individual that not even the Secret Government had any proof or information about. How lucky! Can I be next, please? I gotta watch what I wish for, because the Universe has been very happily obliging! yeeeeee! I had that thought when I was in that Crop Circle in August I tell you.
You can find out more by watching it yourself! Very enlightening! Believable? You discern. We follow our own heart in matters that resonate within. Whether it is real or not, it is quite a tale that makes us think that we are not the only intelligent beings in the Universe.....
...and that we better get with the Program if we know that Great Phenomenons like this get stopped because of our stupidity? FIGHTING FOR POWER between individuals ? Oh wait! That sounds like the basis of our WARS in the World right now.......It's between us! We are just needing to get it together PEOPLE!
Peace starts within US...and the World then changes.
Believe it. Live it! NOW!
Those other Intelligent Beings out there are wondering what we are doing?
Why don't you put yourself in their position looking down on us and make your observations...........
A wonderful abundant planet with crazy people fighting for dominance and power! Hmm, they don't see their abundance, we could totally just use that for our own good then. We wouldn't be wasting any real spiritual souls down there....
A wonderful abundant planet with evolving Spiritual beings caring for their One beautiful planet......treating each other as family.....because we really are ONE.
Think about it....and how powerful your thought is!
alright...here's the video documentary.
Spoon Bending - Are you for Real?

And here we go testing the limits...or is that NO LIMITS to the Human Mind! :D
James Twymann, author of Emissary of Light, brings us a course that would make us just like Uri Gellar! The famous Spoon bending machine!
I love getting my daily subscriptions to the Daily Om in my emails and in one of them one day there was James Twymann's course on Spoon Bending. Excellent! I know we each have inherent Super powers laying dormant within each one of us until the time is right where these activation centers within our DNA comes alive!! That time is now! Does it work? I'm not sure, but if I told you 20 years ago that I could tune into the Angels all around me, for sure you would tell me I'm nutty and a witch! Or that Yoga allows us to empty the mind and transcend beyond our limits in just our thoughts, our mind 20 years ago, that was just for the crazies. Now all of these are considered common practice....remember the word PRACTICE.
Just like learning to do anything new, like snowboarding well, one would practice and practice until you got it! Same thing is what I see here! Somebody's already shown us they can do it....so why not US? Let's go! :D
some other people's testimonies
James Twymann, author of Emissary of Light, brings us a course that would make us just like Uri Gellar! The famous Spoon bending machine!
I love getting my daily subscriptions to the Daily Om in my emails and in one of them one day there was James Twymann's course on Spoon Bending. Excellent! I know we each have inherent Super powers laying dormant within each one of us until the time is right where these activation centers within our DNA comes alive!! That time is now! Does it work? I'm not sure, but if I told you 20 years ago that I could tune into the Angels all around me, for sure you would tell me I'm nutty and a witch! Or that Yoga allows us to empty the mind and transcend beyond our limits in just our thoughts, our mind 20 years ago, that was just for the crazies. Now all of these are considered common practice....remember the word PRACTICE.
Just like learning to do anything new, like snowboarding well, one would practice and practice until you got it! Same thing is what I see here! Somebody's already shown us they can do it....so why not US? Let's go! :D
some other people's testimonies
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